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Self Care is more than a Commodity

As we scroll through our social media feeds, it is almost inevitable that we will spot #selfcare under images of avocados, exotic beaches or facial products, especially as there are over 32 million posts with this hashtag on Instagram alone. Consequently, you would be forgiven for thinking that self-care originated as a trend on social media, however, the act of self-care is so much more.

Interestingly, the term self-care has medical and political roots. During the 1960s and 1970s, women and people of colour introduced the idea of self-care into the public eye. Those involved in women’s liberation and civil rights movements used self-care as political resistance against the white, patriarchal medical system and its failures to adequately care for these individuals. In more recent years, a resurgence in the popularity of self-care can be explained by our desire to relieve the rising pressures and anxieties of the modern world.

As the term self-care appears more and more prominently in the marketing strategies of brands, it is easy to get lost in a sea of advertisements. Therefore, it’s important to remember that self-care is much more than a commodity, and successful self-care techniques are not defined by what you buy or how much you spend.

Self-care is a ritualistic act that can be (and should be) implemented into our daily lives. It acts as a practical and effective pathway to achieving calmness and relaxation within the body, soul and mind. A self-care practice is unique to every individual; ultimately, if you honour your needs, listen to your body and care for your mind and soul, you are practicing positive self-care. Therefore, it is much more effective to adjust your mindset and implement long-lasting and practical strategies, rather than investing in overpriced self-care products advertised online.

Simple and inexpensive methods of self-care include:

  • Spending quality time with family and friends

  • Reading a book in a quiet and calm environment

  • Ensuring you are fully rested

  • Yoga

  • Writing in a journal

  • Going for a walk

  • Breathwork

  • Drinking plenty of water

  • Meditation

If you’re interested in uncovering a pathway to a successful self-care routine, a perfect starting point is our Positive Thinking Techniques workshop. Here, attendees will learn innovative methods to achieve a refreshed attitude towards themselves and the world. Our Discover your Inner Poetry and Art as a Form of Meditation sessions are a great way to enhance relaxation, stimulate the mind and learn long-lasting strategies of self-care, which can be implemented into your daily life. Alternatively, if you are looking to boost the general wellbeing in your workplace, why not create a bespoke corporate programme including our Journaling for Mental Health and Breathwork and Balance workshops.

If you would like to find out more about the history of self-care and how it is seen as a commodity in the modern world, please visit:

Words by Kelly Bryan

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